1. Mempercepat penyembuhan luka
2. Mampu meningkatkan konsentrasi pada saat belajar terutama pada proses pertumbuhan
3. Mencegah dan mengobati diabetes
4. Mengatasi osteoporosis
5. Mencegah stroke / serangan jantung
6. Hipertensi
7. Meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh
8. Menurunkan dampak alergi
9. Menangani masalah pencernaan seperti sembelit dan gangguan pencernaan lainnya.
Berat : 350 gram
Info menjadi agen / distributor : 085240433326 / 082293024978
Head Office : JL. Bumi Permata Sudiang B3/5A
Email : solusiagensisyariah@gmail.com
Telepon / Whatsupp : 085240433326 / 082293024978
Health Black Garlic || Health Black Garlic Original || Health Black Garlic Makassar || HealthBlackGarlic || Honey Health Black Garlic || Health Premium Trigona || Black Garlic
1) To Change ‘Back to Top’ Lipstick Image kindly follow the below-mentioned steps:
BalasHapusGet into Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS > Pasted the below CSS code inside the text area > Save All.
#toTop { background: url(your image url) center center no-repeat !important; }
Note: Kindly type your image URL in (your image URL)
2) To remove ‘Back to Top’ kindly follow the below-mentioned steps:
Get into Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS > Pasted the below CSS code inside the text area > Save All.
toTop { display: none; }
However, we were able to remove the image with the Change image code by doing this:
#toTop { background: url(‘/’) center center no-repeat !important; }
However the button itself is still present and active.
Please use the below line for removing totop image.
BalasHapus#toTop { display: none; }
use this :
BalasHapus#toTop { display: none !important; }